Washington CeaseFire…
Dedicated to Reducing
Gun Violence
Since 1983

Washington CeaseFire…
Dedicated to Reducing
Gun Violence
Since 1983
For Almost 35 Years Washington Ceasefire Has Been The Most Prominent Citizen Activist Group That’s Led the Fight on Reducing Gun Violence in Washington State.
- 2009 We fought in Olympia and won new legislation that denied gun rights to some 5000 Washington residents who were involuntary committed for mental illness for at least thirty days.
- 2012 We started a gun free zone program that well over 100 local businesses continue to uphold to this day.
- 2013 We gathered more signatures for the I-594 universal background check initiative than any other volunteer group.
- 2014 We lead the nation in an aggressive safe storage ASK campaign (Asking Saves Kids) which involved social media, radio and transit advertising along with dozens of presentation to neighborhood PTA’s.
- 2014 Washington CeaseFire became the nation’s leading proponent of Smart Gun technology. We sponsored four major symposiums across the United States, bringing together experts in public health, law enforcement, firearm developers, and gun safety advocates to discuss the merits and challenges of smart gun development.
- 2015 – We held the Youth, Suicide and Firearms Symposium. The symposium’s main focus was on guns and youth suicide, and we discussed causes and risk factors for youth suicide and prevention through reducing access to firearms.
- 2016 – West Coast Wall Campaign – Washington CeaseFire and Ceasefire Oregon teamed up to ban the sales of new assault weapons on the west coast and limit ammunition magazine clips to ten bullets. We collected signatures for a petition to show legislatures that the people of Washington State support an assault weapon ban and limiting magazine size. In December we held a rally in Olympia.
- 2017 – Five Year Sandy Hook Commemorative Walk – We invited the community for a one-mile lighted walk at Green Lake Park to remember those we lost at the Sandy Hook shooting!
- 2018 – Washington CeaseFire sponsored our first 5K Fun Run/Walk to encourage community participation in the fight against gun violence.
- 2018 – We updated our Gun Free Zone program and made it statewide, encouraging businesses to become a Gun Free Zone to protect their clients and employees and show their support for safer communities.
- 2019 – We invited other local gun safety groups to hold a rally together to commemorate the victims of the Columbine shooting and to show our unity working together to reduce gun violence.
- 2019 – We co-sponsored with other members of United We Stand For Gun Safety a workshop called: Community Tools To Prevent Gun Violence, focusing on Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPO)
- 2020 – Drafted position statement in support of creating a National Bureau of Firearm Injury Prevention
- 2020 – Unfortunately, we had to cancel our 2nd Washington CeaseFire 5k Run/Walk due to the pandemic
- 2020 – Day of Remembrance – for over 20 years we have planted daffodils every Fall to commemorate victims of gun violence. This year the event was held virtually.
Going Forward
Washington CeaseFire will continue to push for cultural change by supporting ongoing programs like ASK (“Asking Saves Kids”), incorporating firearm awareness educational lectures into school curricula, promoting Thought Leadership Symposiums on issues like youth suicide, and commemorating the victims of gun violence with appropriate events and ceremonies.
We will work with fellow gun violence prevention advocates, including public health experts, other gun violence prevention organizations, and interested business and community partners, to find solutions to the epidemic of firearm-related violence.
Join Us in Creating A Safer Future!